
Planting & Maintenance Advice

Planting Advice

Plants should be planted within two weeks of collection or delivery from British Hardwood Tree Nursery Ltd. Prior to and during planting always keep plants in bags to prevent roots drying out. Bags should be stored under cover. Heal plants in the ground for storage if unable to plant within two weeks of collection. When planting, ensure the roots of plants are firmly healed into ground to avoid air pockets. Tree protection should be securely fitted as per manufacturer's recommendations.

Maintenance of Plants Post-planting

To increase the plants prospects for survival and subsequent growth rate, the implementation of a maintenance programme is essential.

When planting bare-rooted stock it is not unusual for natural losses to occur. Always budget for a small percentage of failures to be replaced ('Beat-up') in the first two years following planting. Weed competition to the base of plants must be eradicated during the first three growing seasons. This may be done by chemical means or by hand weeding. Lack of weeding is the biggest single killer of young planted trees. It is far cheaper to weed than to replace dead trees or repay grants. Weeded trees establish faster and need less maintenance overall.

When planting hedges or woodlands adjoining arable crops beware of possible spray drift. Young plants are either killed or experience severe growth check if they come into contact with Glyphosate (Round-up) or other herbicides. Count losses to be replaced in the summer following planting when the plants are in leaf. Mark the planting station where a replacement tree is required. This makes losses easier to identify in the winter when all plants have shed their leaves.

Check at least twice a year that protective sundries are securely fitted, such as spirals and canes, tubes and stakes. Replace where necessary. Protection should be maintained for at least 5 years.

Replace trees and hedging plants during the following winter period.

Example Maintenance Schedule

E.g. Broadleaves protected by tree shelters planted in November/ March (brackets indicate operations which may not be required depending on conditions).

March Check Shelters
April Apply foliar acting herbicide
July Check losses
September Check Shelters, pull out tall weeds (cut tall weeds between trees)
November Replace losses
March Check shelters
April Apply foliar acting herbicide
July Check losses
September (cut tall weeds between trees)
November Replace losses , Check shelters, pull out tall weeds
January (Apply residual herbicide)
March Check shelters
April Apply foliar acting herbicide
July Check losses
September (Cut tall weeds between trees)
November (replace losses) Check shelters, pull out tall weeds
March Check shelters
April (Apply foliar acting herbicide)
Gradual removal of stakes and shelters. Occasional spot weeding around any trees still in need.

Plant Spacing & Stocking Density

Below you will find the quantity of trees required per hectare at a plant spacing of between 1.50m to 4m.

1.50m 4,444
1.80m 3,086
1.90m 2,770
2.00m 2,550
2.10m 2,268
2.20m 2,066
2.30m 1,890
2.40m 1,736
2.50m 1,600
2.60m 1,479
2.70m 1,372
2.80m 1,276
2.90m 1,189
3.00m 1,111
4.00m 525

Tree Shelter Choice

Below you'll find out about the tree shelters required to protect young trees from pests.

Vole 200mm N/A
Rabbit 60cm 75cm
Hare 75cm 90cm
Roe Deer/Muntjac 1.20m 1.50m
Fallow Deer 1.50m 1.80m